Guest Services

The Lamb Center is a daytime drop-in resource center for individuals experiencing homelessness.
We are open for guest services:

Monday through Friday from 8am - 3pm

Saturday from 8am - 12:30pm

TLC Guidelines

  • Engage with each other respectfully. TLC is committed to providing an environment free from harassment, intimidation, and physical or sexual assault.
  • Take care of TLC property and keep Campbell Drive clean. Vandalism and theft are not acceptable behaviors.
  • Show respect for other guests and conduct yourself in a way that does not disrupt others.
  • Maintain a safe and sober environment; consumption or possession of alcohol, drugs, or weapons is absolutely prohibited at TLC or on Campbell Drive.
  • TLC's parking lot is for volunteers and staff only.

Please ask a TLC staff member if you have any concerns or questions.

Get Meals and Encouragement

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Our Table

The life of the Lamb Center (TLC) community is shared at the main table. This is where we gather to eat, talk, read, pray, care for, and enjoy each other's company.

  • Our Desire is to build a sense of community, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Our Hope is to begin to know you so that we may encourage you.
  • Our Prayer is that you encounter the Living God in this space and experience His transformative power.
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Daily Schedule


8:00 Breakfast Begins

9:30 Morning Prayer

10:30 Bible Study (no food service)

11:30 Lunch Begins

1:30 Afternoon Bible Study (Fridays only)

1:30 Kitchen Closes

2:15 Last Shower

2:30 Laundry Closes

2:50 Closing Prayer

3:00 Building Closed (12:30 on Saturdays)

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Breakfast is served from 8:00-10:30 am.

Lunch is served from 11:30-1:30 pm.

Coffee and cold beverages are available throughout the day.

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Prayer and Bible Study

Each day begins and ends with a brief devotional prayer. Bible study is offered every morning and afternoon. No one is required to attend, but all are welcome. Please show reverence and respect for the prayers and discussions conducted at the table.

Prayer requests of our guests, staff, and volunteers are welcome. If you would like to be added to our prayer list or to pray with someone in private, please ask a staff member. It is our privilege to begin to know you, listen to you, and pray with you.



We have a chapel service with music, prayer, and a message from ministers visiting from a variety of denominations on Thursday mornings at 10:30am.

Get Laundry Services and Clothing

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Laundry service is available 8AM-2:30PM daily (8am -12pm on Saturdays). One load of laundry is accepted per day. Clean laundry left more than one week may be discarded.

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Showers are available until 2:15PM (11:45AM on Saturdays). Towels and toiletries are available in the laundry for use at TLC.

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Clothing Closet

The clothing closet is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Guests who are vaccinated and experiencing homelessness may visit the clothing closet once a month to “shop” for up to ten items of clothing.

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When available, TLC can offer you a limited amount of storage space for personal effects. Lockers are assigned to guests by case managers. Lockers have no locks, so TLC cannot guarantee the safety of your belongings.

Get Assistance

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Case Management

Sign up at the front desk to meet privately with a case manager. Evaluate your needs and set goals together. Receive assistance in replacing identification, applying for benefits, and making referrals.

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Social Security and Veteran's Benefits Assistance

We provide assistance with filing for disability, social security, and veteran’s benefits.

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ID Card and Document Delivery

We provide assistance to replace or obtain identification, social security cards, and birth certificates.

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Support Groups

A wide variety of support groups are offered here at TLC. Please ask the front desk for meeting information, dates, and times.

  • AA
  • Celebrate Recovery
  • Arm & Arm
  • Keep Hope Alive (Chris Atwood Foundation)
  • Sisters on a Journey
  • Housed Support Group
  • Jobs Club
  • Open Art


If you have an interview with an employer, social worker, doctor, or other essential appointments, our case managers may offer bus tokens when available. TLC cannot offer rides.

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Mail Service

As a guest, you are welcome to use TLC's address to receive your mail. Please check for mail at the front desk during each visit. After 30 days, unclaimed mail will be returned to sender.

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A guest phone is available for your use.

Get Medical, Dental & Other Services

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Medical and Mental Health Specialists

We have a nurse practitioner available twice a week to meet with our guests and provide healthcare services.

In partnership with the Lamb Center, a Fairfax County Medical Outreach Worker provides referrals to medical, vision, and dental services for our guests who are homeless and uninsured.

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Dental Clinic

The Lamb Center has an on-site dental clinic. Dentists come to the Lamb Center monthly to provide pro bono restorative dental services to our guests who are homeless and uninsured.


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Legal Assistance

Legal advice is provided on a case by case basis. A pro bono attorney is available on Monday mornings at 9:30am on a first come, first serve basis.

Get Employment training

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City Jobs

We help guests develop employment skills and seek jobs so they can be self-sustaining. Approximately 20 individuals are paid to work maintaining city parks and public spaces in 4 hour shifts every Monday through Thursday. City Jobs serves as a stepping stone to full-time private sector employment and offers the dignity and sense of purpose that comes with earning a paycheck.